Tuesday, December 13, 2011


It's snowing here in lovely Spokane (aka Spok-a-loo, Spokompton, Spokanistan, just to name a few of our lovely middle-American city's nicknames!). Miss E. is enjoying her day at Ms. Vicki's as Mommy and Daddy continue to work on getting house, home, and finances in order, as well as spending a bit of time Mommy-Daddy together that is in such short supply some days!

Last night we decorated our ginger bread house, which anyone who has done this with a 3 year old can tell you was fun and challenging! If I can figure out how to post pics on here I will put on up soon :)

I found a beautiful picture yesterday which has been made my profile picture on facebook of Joseph and the Blessed Virgin on their journey to Bethlehem, Mary large with child (probably 'radiant' but most of us did NOT feel radiant at that point in our pregnancies!). I can only imagine her anticipation, both in meeting the Son of God face to face, whose kicks and somersaults she had felt for several months, and being done with being pregnant, that beautiful time that all women experience when they have entered the ninth month. Like many things, this most amazing experience was well worth the arduous waiting, and in their case things seemed to get worse before they got better (can't you just imagine- Joseph "Mary, I'm sorry, but Caesar is requiring a census, and we must journey to Bethlehem to do it.' Mary "REALLY?!?! HE HAD TO CHOOSE NOW?!!? DOESN'T HE KNOW I'M WITH CHILD?!?!? JUST CARRYING THE SON OF GOD HERE." Well, she probably didn't say that, but I would have!!). This challenge is a good reminder to us all who going through challenges--for our family, this time of waiting is difficult and at times heartbreaking, but that which we wait for will be a great reward--the chance again at life.

In this Advent season, we join the world in joyful anticipation of the celebration of our Lord's birth--Veni, veni, Emmanuel!!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Baby Anna

Just a quick note for now, but God has brought this family's story to me via a mutual facebook friend and I hope you will all lift them up in prayer.

Their blog can be found at : http://babyannajoy.blogspot.com/

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Immaculate Conception-eve

Hello, hello :)

Today marks the eve of the date that the Roman Catholic Church celebrates the immaculate conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, God's creating her clean and unblemished by origional sin in preparation for her motherhood of Christ! Thank You, Lord, for Christ's mother, the beautiful Virgin Mary, whose "Yes" to You brought Christ into the world to bring our salvation! We love you, Mary!!

Alex had a busy day today working with our friend Carl to get our garage organized. As we have a small garage and lots of stuff, this was not small feat. Thank you, Crockett, you are our hero! Erin had a fun day at Ms. Vicki's, and mommy had a good day at work. I was even fortunate enough to be given a gift of peace from God over a worry I'd had--ahhhh! it feels so splendid to just hand it over to Him and allow Him take the lead :)

As a consequence of the day, Alex was very tired and in a lot of pain after working. He got some rest while Miss E. and I stuff ourselves (mostly me!) on a pasta dish containing the dangerous combination of lemon, bacon, veggies (Stir-fry, as those were the only one's in house!), chicken, gluten-free pasta, and Parmesan cheese. Can you say 'stuffed'? I might be able to, if only I could breathe around all this food in my tummy....

We officially decorated the tree yesterday, and for the first time, Ms. E got to help. I think the best part continues as she stops and talks to several of the ornaments, a piggy with spectacles being one of her favorites and mine as well.

Alex spontaneously started doing better with his blood sugar the other day--proof that God answers prayer :) God bless you, everyone, thank you again for your prayers and please keep them coming!

Monday, December 5, 2011


I actually did write a blog post, back in OCTOBER (i.e., one million years ago--Douglas family standard time!). However, Blogger was apparently infested with gremlins that inhibited me from posting our info, which unfortunately coincided with my MIL's letter, making everyone aware of the blog--can you say bad timing?! I can only attribute this funk-ness to the fact Satan is getting his knickers in a twist over all that prayer coming our way and is trying to disrupt things. HAHA, too bad for you that God is stronger! And our prayer warriors are amazing, too, so basically he is just plain out of luck!

Anyway, Alex is doing OK. We are in the final phases of getting on the LIST. Big, big prayer request from all you awesome peeps out there--Alex must, absolutely, without hesitation get his blood sugar under control. This is a hard thing for Alex, so he really, really needs some prayer on this one! His blood sugar is a major non-negotiable in getting listed. Okay, I have emphasized that enough.

I got a new job back in September--now working with children ages birth-15 three days per week at Holy Family. A truly fun gig, I laugh every day with my kiddos and have a great time being challenged by their various diagnoses, etc. I am reminded daily of the fact that the human spirit can over come anything--even as a baby, toddler, or child. And best of all, that no matter what the terrible challenge/situation/condition--God doesn't make mistakes! And even if we as broken humans do, He can make beautiful anything we mess up! My job does bring some tears of sadness, as well, I can't paint it all with pretty rainbows and unicorns and make it all amazing, but it's pretty darn close!

Ms. E...
Is fabulous. We were discussing prayer the other day, and her little girl insights are amazing. "Can we talk to Jesus, Mommy?" "Yes, anytime you want. He loves to talk to you!" "When we eat and ni ni time?" "Yep, and any other time, too." She is truly a blessing--whether it's singing a song, telling us a story, or finding the moon and stars, every day is another to be cherished. Since Alex was having a more and more difficult time taking care of such a curious, busy little bug, she started daycare near Mommy's work around mid-October and LOVES it! There is another little girl there around her age she can play babies with and nice boys she can climb and jump with and she really likes Ms. Vicki, the owner. You know it's a good sign when you get up on Saturday and your kiddo asks if they get to go to Ms. Vicki's house that day!

So, I finally got around to dealing with the dreaded SSD (social security disability) application, fully expecting to be denied, get an attorney (fortunately Erin's god father specializes in that...and no, that's not why we chose him, haha!) etc. Amazing, about 6 weeks after our application was submitted, we were approved! Yay! Financial strain greatly reduced, ability to save some money for Erin's college fund, etc.--Thank YOU JESUS! Just when things were getting a bit thin around here, God, as usual, come through in the clinch.

In closing--
I am going to try to diligently blog everyday--I have been made aware people actually read this thing and might want some new material from time to time. So, I will do my best and please, as always, keep those prayers coming! Thanks everyone and God Bless you!